How long does it take to get used to glasses?
Possible Problems Getting Used to New Glasses
While many people experience no issues getting used to their new glasses, it is quite common to need some time to adapt. Some common problems that you may experience include:
If objects appear warped, bent, or wavy, you may be experiencing distortion. You might experience this distortion at the edges of your lens (peripheral distortion), or it may appear like you are looking through a fishbowl (Fishbowl Effect). Some common causes of distortion include:
- Increase in prescription – If your prescription has changed significantly, you may experience peripheral distortion or a fishbowl effect. This is because your lenses are thicker and more curved than they were in your previous glasses.
- High index lenses – Higher index materials are used to make your lenses thinner and lighter. If it is your first time using a high index lens, you might notice some distortion. This is because the curvature of your lens is different, and because light passes through the lenses more slowly than what you are used to.
- Progressive lenses and No-Line Bifocals – Progressive lenses and no-line bifocals have a smooth transition between prescriptions, as opposed to a lined bifocal (or trifocal) which has a visible line separating the prescriptions. To achieve this, there is a normal area of soft-focus or distortion on the edges of the lens. If you are trying progressive lenses for the first time, or if your lens design has changed, you might notice this distortion at the beginning of your adaptation period.
- Larger frame size – Sometimes when the size of your frame is significantly larger than your previous glasses, you may notice some distortion on the edges of your lens. This happens most often with myopic (short-sighted) prescriptions as the lens is thickest on the edges of the lens. With a larger frame, there is a bigger lens curvature which can cause temporary distortion.
Eye Strain
Eye strain symptoms include tired eyes that are sore and watery, making it difficult to concentrate. While this can be annoying, eye strain can occur for many reasons. A new prescription, lens design, or lens material can cause this feeling.
Blurry Vision
Blurry vision causes objects to not look sharp and clear. This is most common when you start wearing glasses for the first time or if you have had a large change in your prescription.
It is also important to understand what your glasses are designed for. If your new glasses are designed for reading, it is completely normal for your vision to be blurry at other distances – this is not something that will improve with time.
Headaches and/or Nausea
Headaches and nausea are common when getting used to new glasses. These feelings will usually go away within a week, often as soon as a day or so. Headaches and nausea can be caused by changes to your prescription, lens design, or frame size
Depth Perception
Depth perception is how the size and distance of an object are perceived. If you are experiencing issues with depth perception, it may be due to a changed prescription or lens design.
If your prescription changes, the magnification or minification of the lens will be different. This causes objects to appear larger and closer (magnified), or smaller and further (minified) away.
A progressive or multifocal lens can also affect your depth perception.This is because there are multiple zones with different levels of magnification. Looking through the incorrect portion can cause depth perception issues. For example, while going downstairs you might accidentally look through the bottom reading portion of your glasses. This causes the stairs to appear larger and closer than they really are. To fix this, it will take time to adapt to the various zones of prescription in your glasses.
How Long It Takes to Get Used to New Glasses
How long will it take to get used to new glasses if the prescription is the same, but the frames have changed?
If the frame has changed in size, you may experience issues with distortion, eye strain, and headaches. This is something that may take time or frame adjustments to fix. It can take anywhere from a day to a week or so for these symptoms to go away, depending on how sensitive you are to change.
How long will it take to get used to new glasses if the prescription is the same, but the lens type is different?
A new lens type may take a bit longer to get used to. You may experience blurred vision, distortion, eye strain, headaches, or depth perception issues. The time it takes to adapt varies from person to person, but you can usually expect to get used to your new glasses after a maximum of 2-3 weeks. You can speed this process up by understanding the purpose of your new lens type (i.e. for reading only, or progressive lenses with zones designated to specific tasks).
How To Get Used To New Glasses Fast
To speed up the process of adapting to your new glasses, here are some considerations:
- Regularity –It is important to avoid swapping between your new and old glasses. While your old glasses may feel more comfortable, you will adapt more quickly if you consistently wear your new glasses.
- Time – Try to persist with your new glasses and gradually increase how long you wear them for at a time and especially in the mornings as soon as you wake up. Ensure that you give your eyes time to rest when you need it.
- Cleanliness of Glasses – Make sure to keep your lenses clean, as smudged lenses will blur your vision and make it more difficult to adapt to your new glasses. Getting premium anti-glare with easy-clean coatings can assist in this task.
- Protection of Glasses – When you are not wearing your glasses, you should keep them in their case to prevent them from becoming damaged.
- Eye exercises – Practice focusing close-up and far away, particularly if you are adapting to progressive or multifocal lenses. Doing this will help you get used to looking at the correct parts of your lenses.
When Should You Call Your Optometrist?
While most people will get used to their glasses within a few weeks, sometimes symptoms persist. This may be a sign that you need to see your optometrist again. It might be as simple as adjusting your frames, or you may need a different prescription or lens design.
If your symptoms persist, or if you are struggling to see clearly through your glasses, you should call your optometrist to discuss a solution.
Frequently Asked Questions
Eye strain and headaches are common when adapting to new glasses. If this persists, you should contact your optometrist.
It is normal for your vision to feel a bit blurry when you get new glasses. However, if this doesn’t go away or if you cannot see clearly, you should contact your optometrist.
If you have changed your prescription, lens type, or frame size, you may experience distorted vision. This is usually something that goes away with time, however, if it continues you should contact your optometrist.
Try wearing your glasses more regularly, without swapping between new and old glasses. To reduce eye strain, start by wearing your glasses for short periods of time and gradually increase this as you begin to adapt.
It is normal to experience problems while getting used to new glasses, and there are many strategies that you can use to speed up the process of adapting. However, it is important to recognize when your symptoms need further attention from your optometrist.